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Life Linc Nelson has been offering affordable counselling to all those who seek it in Nelson-Tasman since 1974. We are able to keep the costs to a minimum because our counsellors donate their time, and the client contributions helps to cover administrative costs and expenses. We receive no Government funding and rely solely on grants, sponsors and donations from our service users.

If you are needing to make an Agency Referral, please fill out our Agency Referral Form HERE.

Talk to us...

Life Linc counselling is available in Nelson, Richmond and Motueka.
Access up to 10 sessions for individuals or relationships (couples). Contact our counselling manager to find out more details or fill out the referral form below to start the process.

Referral Form 2024

New Client Referral Form

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Reason for Referral

Please let us know the days you could be available to attend counselling at Lifelinc. The more options you provide, the quicker we'll be able to find an available counsellor.
I confirm that I am submitting this request for counselling for myself, or that I am authorised to submit it on behalf of the person named above and am doing this with their knowledge and consent.

The cost per counselling session is based on your income and is a sliding scale. Fees start from $30 per session for individual counselling and $60 per session for couples. You can view all the rates here.


The counselling session cost is expected to be paid on the day of each session. Our bank details are Life Linc Nelson, NBS Bank, 03 1354 0656204 00. If you are having trouble making the payments for your counselling, please contact the office at 03 548 2400 to discuss.

Appointment Times

You will set a weekly appointment time with your counsellor. We have counselling available Monday-Friday from 9am to 5pm.

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